Turbo analysis “Fit for hybrid“

Turbo analysis “Fit for hybrid“

  • free of charge
  • results after 30 minutes
  • a guided reflection on the topic
  • specific tips for your team

Before the Covid-19 crisis, decentralized hybrid teams were more common in international companies. Now that working from home is the new normal, more and more managers face the challenge of leading teams whose members work in different locations.

Unlike fully virtual teams, hybrid collaboration requires more reflection. In order to include all colleagues equally and avoid silos, more coordination and the right technical equipment is needed. It takes adequate leadership and a supportive culture as well as the willingness to embrace new work methods and the needs of others to form a successful hybrid team.

Let’s set the course for the collaboration of the future together

Reflecting on and actively shaping hybrid collaboration is one of the most important success factors for strong functional teams. It is something you must learn and practice if you want it to be successful. With our free 30-minute turbo analysis “Fit for hybrid“, we give managers the opportunity to reflect on the current situation of their team with regard to hybrid collaboration.

After the turbo analysis, we…

  • will have determined the current situation of your team with regard to hybrid working
  • offer the right suggestions for action to prepare for hybrid collaboration as a manager
  • provide you with a brief roadmap for possible next steps

The turbo analysis is for managers who …

  • already work with a decentralized team or plan to lead a team consisting of members who work from home and on-site
  • want to motivate and develop their team to achieve high performance in a hybrid work environment
  • want to maintain a close connection to their remote team members

For appointments for the turbo analysis please get in touch with Anna Herb or Jana Seifert. Turbo analysis is a product of Commha Consutling in cooperation with TW Consulting.

The cooperation of TW and Commha Consulting

Turbo analysis “Fit for hybrid“ Before the Covid-19 crisis, decentralized hybrid teams were more common in international companies. Now that working from home is the new normal, more and more managers face the challenge of leading teams whose members work in different locations.

We are a strong team and are happy to help you find holistic answers to this question. We have a deep knowledge and understanding of corporate development processes from an internal and external perspective and combine a systemic view with strong implementation skills. Our strong team is flexible, available at short notice and, above all, scalable. We provide a toolbox full of efficient methods that guarantee fast results.

Tanja Weber, TW Consulting

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With our longstanding expertise and in-depth knowledge of the field, we’ll find solutions that suit you and reach the goals you have set.


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Anna Herb

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